Why you should attend WSO2Con Asia 2014

WSO2Con Asia 2014, a must attend conference for anyone interested in WSO2 products, is just around the corner.

The WSO2Con Asia 2014 is scheduled from March 24 to March 26 with two conference days and one pre-conference tutorial day. Have a look at WSO2Con Asia 2014 Agenda for all interesting talks and tutorials WSO2 has to offer.

The conference will be held at Waters Edge, a popular venue in Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte, Sri Lanka.

Here are few reasons I can think of as to why you should attend the WSO2Con.

  • WSO2 is the only company to have a complete set of open source middleware products built from scratch and WSO2Con is a good opportunity for you to learn how we make world-class products.
  • Pre-conference tutorials will help you to get an understanding of how our stuff works. So, don't worry if you do not have much idea about the WSO2 products.
  • See what WSO2 has to offer with WSO2 Mobile subsidiary.
  • Meet the experts.
  • Networking opportunities.
  • Discover how WSO2 software can impact your daily life.
  • Be inspired. I'm sure you will be able to find many reasons (just as I did from previous conferences)
  • Our long term target is to be the #1 middleware company in the world. This conference is a milestone in that long journey. So, be part of the history! :)

There is a 25% discount for early registrations. Make sure you grab the opportunity while it lasts.

Have fun at the WSO2Con!


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