Java Mixed-Mode Flame Graphs
Recently, I wrote a blog post on " Java CPU Flame Graphs ". That blog post shows how to use Linux perf_events to generate Java Mixed-Mode Flame Graphs. With Java Profilers, we can get information about Java process only. However with Java Mixed-Mode Flame Graphs, we can see how much CPU time is spent in Java methods, system libraries and the kernel. Mixed-mode means that the Flame Graph shows profile information from both system code paths and Java code paths. This is sometimes very important to identify performance issues. For more information, see Java in Flames and New JVM Option Enables Generation of Mixed-Mode Flame Graphs In this blog post, I'm using a sample high cpu consuming Java Program with Java 8 Update 60. $ mvn -version Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T17:27:37+05:30) Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.3.3 Java version: 1.8.0_60, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8...